Functional All-Around is a type of sport, using functional movements with own body weight, free weights and cyclic movements, which are combined into specially composed sets of exercises and performed continuously for a time.
Республиканское общественное объединение «Казахстанская федерация функционального многоборья» было создано Решением Учредительного Сьезда 08 сентября 2023 года в г. Астана. По решению Сьезда Президентом Федерации избран Мещеряков Николай Ильич. Первый Вице-Президент - Генеральный секретарь - Лукановский Валентин Владимирович. Вице-Президент - Сулейменов Ерлан Мельсович.
Despite the short period of its activity, the Federation of Functional All-Around sets high goals for itself. A number of urgent tasks were identified to bring the functional all-round sport to a new level, to open new clubs in the regions, to identify young talents in this kind of sport, which requires strength, willpower and endurance, to bring up new champions, to organise national and international competitions, to create decent conditions for athletes and to further strengthen the material and technical base.